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Complications of ureteroscopy


  • Bleeding and loss of vision
  • Loss of access
  • Ureteric injury and rarely avulsion
  • Failure to access or clear stone, needing additional procedures
  • Equipment malfunction
  • Risks of general anaesthesia and positioning

Early post-operative:

  • Infection and sepsis (5 % significant infection)
  • Haematuria
  • Pain including stent irritation and passage of fragments
  • Ureteric oedema and obstruction

Late post-operative:

  • Ureteric stricture


Access sheath


  • Allow continuous outflow and stops bladder from overfilling
  • Allows ease of in and out access
  • Reduces intra-renal pressures
  • Reduces operative time
  • Improves vision


  • Potential injury more likely
  • Higher pain post-operatively if not stented
  • May not allow increased drainage if scope in lumen of access sheath



Post URS stent can be omitted if:

  • No suspected injury
  • No ureteric stricture or anatomical impedance to fragment clearance
  • Good fragmentation / no significant residual fragments
  • No significant bleeding
  • Normal contra-lateral kidney
  • No renal impairment
  • No plan for re-look procedure

EAU “stents should be inserted in patients at increased risk of complications … and in all doubtful cases, to avoid stressful emergencies”

Pre-ureteroscopy stenting can be omitted routinely – however pre-stented ureteroscopy does increase SFR and reduces complications (at cost of 2 x procedures and stent morbidity).


Submucosal ureteric stones

These should probably be lasered out and retrieved – risk of stricture very high if left in situ.


Strategies to minimise ureteroscopy complications:


  • Urine culture and treat any infection
  • Pre-stenting an option especially for larger stones
  • Prophylactic antibiotics


  • Minimum operating time
  • Reduce intra-renal pressures
  • Safety wires
  • If in doubt, stent and come back
  • Saline irrigation (not water)


  • Alpha blockers to reduce stent morbidity
  • Reduce stent dwell time



Care of the ureteroscope

Damage can occur:

  1. Intra-operatively
  2. Between procedures


Strategies to prevent damage:

  • Move lower pole stones to upper pole to avoid prolonged deflection
  • Keep laser in vision out of the scope tip
  • Laser on standby when not in use
  • Keep scope straight when passing over wire
  • Keep scope straight when not in use (on scrub table etc)
  • Pressure leak testing after each procedure before being sent for cleaning
  • Cleaning and sterilisation as per manufacturer instructions by dedicated staff
  • Keep stored carefully in dedicated cases
  • Consider use of disposable ureteroscopes for appropriate cases