Stone types
Calcium oxalate > 80 %
Uric acid 5 – 10 %
Calcium phosphate 5 – 10 %
Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) 2 – 3 %
Cystine 1 %
Rare – xanthine, 2-8,dihydroxyadenine, drug stones, ammonium acid urate
Stones are made of crystalline and non-crystalline components – the non-crystalline component is matrix which can occasionally make up the majority of the stone weight (around 2 % of stones)
Matrix is a heterogenous mixture of protein, sugars and organic ash.
Promoters | Inhibitors |
Oxalate Phosphate Uric acid Sodium |
Magnesium Pyrophosphate Glycosaminoglycans Tamm-Horsfall protein Nephrocalcin |
*No inhibitors for uric acid stones
Stone associations or ‘causes’: