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Calyceal diverticulum

Cystic cavity within the kidney, lined by non-secretory urothelium, communicating with a calyx or renal pelvis by a narrow isthmus. Calyceal diverticular do not have papillae and fill with urine passively.

Aetiology – thought to be persistence of ureteric bud branches which would normally degenerate.

Rare (< 1 %), and often asymptomatic, but up to 40 % of patients may develop stones.


Diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum:

  • CT IVP – may appear as parenchymal or endophytic cyst on non contrast, but fills with contrast on delayed phase imaging
  • USS – cystic appearance but may contain stone (shadowing) or milk of calcium
  • RGP – connection with collecting system with narrow neck
  • URS combined with II


Treatment of stones can be difficult: