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Staging UTUC

Pathological staging is hard to assess without nephroureterectomy. Therefore, grade is often used in clinical decision making as a surrogate for stage, with strong association.

CT chest + CT IVP is used for staging.

FDG-PET has promising fledgling data but not is not routinely used.

MRI may be useful if CT can’t be used.

Hydronephrosis likely predicts invasive disease.



Tx Tumour can’t be assessed
T0 No evidence primary tumour
Ta Non invasive papillary carcinoma
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1 Invades subepithelial connective tissue
T2 Invades muscularis
T3 Invades beyond muscularis into peripelvic/periureteric fat or renal parenchyma
T4 Invades adjacent organs, or through kidney to perinephric fat
Nx Nodes can’t be assessed
N0 No evidence nodal involvement
N1 Single lymph node < 2 cm
N2 Multiple regional nodes, or single node > 2 cm
Mx Mets can’t be assessed
M0 No metastatic disease
M1 Distant metastases