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Tumour markers

Tumour markers should be taken before orchidectomy – may help with diagnosis, may be indicative of histology, provide a baseline level to assess treatment and assist with staging

50 % will have elevation of one marker, over 90 % in stage 2 disease.

In general, tumour markers are used:

  • Pre orchidectomy
  • After orchidectomy
  • Monitoring chemo response
  • After completion of treatment to monitor for relapse


Alpha feto protein (AFP)

  • Half-life 5 – 7 days
  • Seminomas (and choriocarcinomas) do not produce AFP; so, AFP is diagnostic of NSGCT
  • False positives:
    • Liver disease
    • Infants < 1 year old
    • Stomach, pancreas, biliary and lung cancers


beta Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (bHCG)

  • Half-life 1 – 3 days
  • Produced by syncitiotrophoblasts
  • High levels in choriocarcinoma. 15 % of seminomas will raise bHCG.
  • False positives:
    • Marijuana use
    • Other malignancies
    • Other cancers – lung, breast, kidney, bladder
    • False positives in hypergonadotropic hypogonadism


Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

  • Half life ? 24 hours (Campbell’s) or 4 days (Weider’s)
  • Marker of tumour volume and disease burden
  • Relatively nonspecific and can be raised with liver disease etc.