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Open nephrectomy

Transperitoneal subcostal approach provides better access to hilum cf. retroperitoneal flank approach (which is preferred for partial nephrectomies).

Assess resectability pre-op – “medial extent determines resectability”


  • Makuuchi incision – xiphisternum to above level of umbilicus with lateral extension towards costal margin (alternative: complete transverse, two finger breadths above umbi).
  • Open anterior rectus sheath and divide rectus, identifying and controlling superior epigastric vein
  • Suture corner of incision to ipsilateral shoulder for retraction, set up fixed table retractor
  • Open peritoneum, divide falciform ligament on right
  • Medialise colon along Toldt using traction and right angles, kocherise duodenum on right, be wary of tail of pancreas on left
    • Develop anterior pararenal space, in the plane between kidney and mesocolon (this may be difficult in XGP etc.)
  • Divide splenic or hepatic peritoneal attachments as needed and retract cranially carefully with packs
  • Ensure adequate exposure with packing of bowel and liver/spleen and fixed retractor
  • Identify gonadal / cava and trace superiorly to hilum, developing psoas plane
  • Ligate renal artery then vein with stapler
  • Upper pole dissection +/- adrenalectomy, taking care of adrenal vein on right if appropriate
  • Divide lateral attachments and divide ureter
  • Consider drain, close in layers



  • Supine with roll to elevate ipsilateral side, ipsilateral arm elevated next to head
  • Upper midline incision combined with incision through 8th or 9th intercostal space to posterior axillary line, including division of costal cartilage (with Mayo scissors)
  • Excise rib if needed
  • Pleural opened on end expiration
  • Diaphragm divided laterally and radially avoiding the phrenic nerve – closed at end with interrupted figure of 8 prolene