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Prostate biopsy

How many cores?

PCFA recommendation – take 21 – 24 cores in initial biopsies.

EAU guidelines – 10 – 12 core schemes optimal in most prostates, with > 12 cores “not being significantly more conclusive”

In a systematic non targeted transperineal biopsy I will generally take 18 – 24 cores depending on prostate size, in 6 different pots (PZ apex, PZ base, anterior/TZ bilaterally)

Transperineal or transrectal?

  Pros Cons
Transperineal Very low infection/sepsis rates


Better sampling anterior zones


Minimise antibiotic use and resistance

More expensive


Higher rates urinary retention


Done under GA mostly (LA emerging)


Takes longer


Transrectal Can be done under local or sedation




Less equipment required

Higher infection / sepsis rates


Requires strong antibiotic use


No difference in cancer detection rates between methods.

Worldwide shift towards transperineal biopsies, including in European guidelines.


Other points on biopsy

Bowel prep – evidence says no difference – I don’t use for transperineal

Antibiotics – I use cefazolin 2g on induction (TRUS – ciprofloxacin +/- betadine)

Risks – haematuria, haematospermia, urinary retention. Infection rare with TPBx.


Systematic vs targeted vs both

Ahdoot NEJM 2020

  • 8.8 % ISUP 3+ cancers missed if just targeted biopsy vs combined
  • Rates of upgrading at RP much lower with combined biopsy
  • More ISUP 1 cancer found on systematic/combined biopsy


Indications for biopsy:

  • PIRADs 3 + lesion on MRI
  • If normal MRI but PSA > 3.0, recommend biopsy if PSA density > 0.15, or family history
  • Abnormal DRE
  • During active surveillance