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Clinical staging based on imaging and bimanual examination.

Pathological staging based on TURBT or cystectomy.

Tx Tumour can’t be assessed
T0 No evidence primary tumour
Ta Non invasive papillary carcinoma
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1 Invades subepithelial connective tissue (lamina propria)
T2a Invades muscle/detrusor – inner half
T2b Invades muscle/detrusor – outer half
T3a Invades perivesical fat/tissue – microscopic
T3b Invades perivesical fat/tissue – macroscopic (extravesical mass)
T4a Invades prostate stroma, seminal vesicles, uterus, vagina
T4b Invades pelvic side wall or abdominal wall
Nx Nodes can’t be assessed
N0 No nodal metastasis
N1 Single lymph node in true pelvis (obturator, internal iliac, ext iliac, presacral)
N2 Multiple lymph nodes in true pelvis
N3 Common iliac nodes
Mx Can’t be assessed
M0 No metastatic disease
M1a Non regional lymph node metastases
M1b Other metastases



Clinical bimanual examination under anaesthesia before and after examination can suggest whether tumour is fixed to side wall, but significant understaging and overstaging with EUA.


EORTC calculator provides estimate of risk of recurrence and progression based on:

  • Number of tumours (Single, 2-7, 8+)
  • Diameter > 3 cm
  • Recurrence rate > 1 / yr
  • T1 or Ta
  • Concomitant CIS
  • Grade