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Sterile pyuria

The presence of white blood cells in the urine without bacterial growth.

Potential causes:

  1. Infective
    • Sexually transmitted infection – chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomonas
    • Tuberculosis
    • (Partially) treated bacterial UTI
    • Atypical organism not routinely detected on culture – eg. Ureaplasma
  2. Malignant
    • Bladder cancer / CIS
  3. Urological inflammatory / benign
    • Stones
    • Stents or catheters
    • Conduit
    • Interstitial cystitis
    • Balanitis
    • Prostatitis
    • Post menopausal atrophy
  4. Non urological inflammatory
    • Interstitial nephritis / medical renal disease
    • Papillary necrosis
    • Appendicitis
    • Diverticulitis / fistula
    • Sarcoidosis
    • Foreign body

Assessment and management


  • Symptoms, haematuria, risk factors STI/UTI, pain, previous medical and surgical history, medications, travel history/risk factors for TB


  • Focussed urological and pelvic exam


  • Repeat urine microscopy / culture
  • Bloods – renal function
  • STI testing if appropriate
  • Ultrasound +/- CT IVP pending haematuria, suspicion for stones, etc
  • Urine cytology and cystoscopy if haematuria, concerns for malignancy
  • +/- cystoscopy if persistent sterile pyuria with unexplained cause