Antibiotic resistance
Bacterial resistance can occur via different mechanisms:
- Intrinsic chromosomal resistance
- Bacteria has intrinsic resistance to certain antibiotic mechanism
- Acquired chromosomal resistance
- During treatment for infection – mutant bacteria selected for (other bacteria killed by treatment) – and so the mutant resistant bacteria replicates
- Especially if underdosed, poorly compliant
- Acquired extrachromosomal resistance
- Most common mechanism
- Transference of the genetic material responsible for resistance via plasmids – can transfer between species, usually in bowel flora
Four mechanisms of antibiotic resistance:
- Limiting drug uptake
- g. if no cell wall then penicillins won’t work
- g. gram negative bacteria have porins which allow access through wall – modification in porins will mediate resistance
- Modifying drug target
- g. alteration in number/structure of penicillin binding proteins in cell wall
- g. ribosomal mutation providing resistance to drugs targeting ribosomal protein synthesis
- Inactivating a drug
- g. beta-lactamases which hydrolyse the beta-lactam ring
- g. acetylation – transferring acetyl group to antibiotic inactivating it
- Active drug efflux
- g. efflux pumps commonly found on GNB which efflux certain drugs
Multi-drug resistant organisms
Carapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
- Enterobacteriaceae are large family of gram negative bacteria – E.coli, Klebsiella, proteus and Enterobacter.
- These bugs produce carbapenemases, beta-lactamases and have efflux pumps which extrude antibiotics.
Extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)
- ESBLs are enzymes acquired by plasmid transfer – Klebiseilla > E.coli – hydrolyse and therefore resistant to beta-lactams
- Increasingly common community-acquired UTI. 50 % infections in SE Asia ICUs.
- Often resistant to gent as well as beta-lactams – Rx cipro, bactrim, carbapenems.
Vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE)
- High mortality compared to non resistant strains
- Plasmid encoded vanA and vanB ligases – reducing target sites for glycopeptide antibiotics.
- Major reservoir is ICU – found to be on surfaces around patient environment and transmitted via hands – often asymptomatic colonisation
- Resistant gram negative bugs which all have chromosomal beta-lactamase making them resistant to standard beta-lactam antibiotics – usually treatable with gent, cipro, bactrim
Antimicrobial stewardship
Compulsory criteria for hospital accreditation. Led by ID/microbiology and pharmacy.
- Deliver best clinical outcomes
- Limit selective pressures driving emergence of resistant strains
- Reduce toxicity and adverse effects
- Minimise cost
Strategies to minimise development of resistance:
- Optimum choice of antibiotic (both broad spectrum/empiric based on local biome, and when organism isolated)
- Optimal dose, route (IV to oral) and duration
- De-escalating or stopping antibiotics when appropriate
- Only using antibiotics when clinically necessary – i.e. not treating asymptomatic bacteriuria
- Avoiding testing in asymptomatic/catheterised patients
Components of antimicrobial stewardship programs:
- Regular training of staff and education re: best antimicrobial practice
- Adherence to local and national guidelines
- Regular ward visits and accessibility of ID and microbiology
- Audits of treatment and outcomes
- Monitoring and feedback to prescribers both of their prescribing habits, and of local resistance profiles