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Mixed urinary incontinence



  1. Treat the most bothersome symptom for the patient
  2. Treat urgency / OAB first
  3. Treat SUI first



  • Use conservative measures for both types concurrently (lots of overlap – weight loss, oestrogen, physio)
  • UDS probably going to be helpful
  • Look for prolapse, oestrogen etc as well and exclude other contributors (UTI, cancer etc.)


Treating UUI / OAB first:

  • Medical therapy and botox all largely well tolerated
  • Treating OAB is less invasive
  • SUI surgery can have significant complications and morbidity
  • Success rates for invasive SUI surgery lower when MUI present
  • UUI may be more distressing for patients due to lack of predictability cf. SUI


Treating SUI first:

  • Slings and colposuspension have been shown to improve or even cure UUI in some women
  • High patient satisfaction for MUI patients with slings (although noted success rates lower)
  • May potentially treat all with one procedure and avoid medications and associated risks
  • The evidence that OAB worsens after SUI surgery is sketchy, and it probably just persists


Treat the most bothersome symptom first:

  • Supported by EAU guidelines
  • May be difficult to pin patient down on which is more bothersome
  • Beware cough induced overactivity