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Complication vs adverse event

Adverse event = unintentional harm, arising from an episode of healthcare, not due to the disease process itself

e.g. post-op leak, intra-op injury, post-op pneumonia, DVT

An adverse event is differentiated from complication in that “unintentional harm” constitutes an adverse event

Some complications are unavoidable aspects of treatment – eg. Failed TOV post TURP ; not actual harm from treatment, but recognised post-operative outcome at a certain rate

Whereas an adverse event would be a re-presentation with clot retention or incontinence post-TURP, where unintentional harm arose as a result of the procedure

All major adverse events should be discussed in a peer review meeting, but many minor ones like post-op UTI don’t need to be discussed


Clavien-Dindo classification scale

CD 1

Any deviation from expected post-op course without needing pharmacological treatment or intervention (did not prolong admission ; little impact on patients wellbeing)

Eg. Untreated fever ; catheter bypassing ; ED presentation for haematuria


Requiring pharmacological treatment, including blood transfusion or TPN

Eg. Infection requiring antibiotics, bleeding requiring transfusion


Complication requiring intervention – surgery, radiological, endoscopic

3a – No GA

3b – GA required

Eg. 3a – post PCNL bleed requiring embolization, post URS crumb for neph
3b – clot retention requiring washout under GA; post URS crumb for stent


Life threatening complication needing ICU

4a – Single organ dysfunction including dialysis

4b – Multiorgan dysfunction

Eg. 4a – post op renal failure needing RRT; post op sepsis needing inotropes
4b – post op sepsis requiring inotropes; intubation; dialysis

